Triathlon Coach on Holiday Training

Periodised Training

As a triathlon coach, the holiday season presents a unique opportunity and challenge for athletes aiming to enhance their training volume while ensuring safety, optimal nutrition, recovery, and injury prevention. The festive period often brings a more flexible schedule and increased motivation to push training boundaries. However, it’s crucial to approach this elevation in volume with mindfulness and a well-structured plan.

Gradual Progression is Key

First and foremost, athletes must recognize that a gradual increase in training volume is essential. Rushing into extensive workouts without prior preparation can lead to overuse injuries, burnout, and setbacks rather than progress. Whether you’re focusing on swim, bike, run, or all three disciplines, a step-by-step approach is paramount.

Embrace Periodisation

Periodisation, dividing training into distinct periods, is crucial. During the holiday season, consider a structured plan that alternates between periods of increasing intensity and volume and periods of recovery. This approach helps prevent overtraining and allows the body to adapt optimally.

Nutrition: The Foundation of Performance

Nutrition becomes even more critical when training volume escalates. Ensure your diet provides sufficient fuel for your workouts. Focus on a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, and micronutrients. Hydration is also key—maintain adequate water intake throughout the day and during training sessions. Davey Black Sports Performance recovery protein is a quick and efficient way to begin the recovery process immediately after a training session.

Recovery: The Unsung Hero

Recovery often doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. However, during increased training, it becomes a pivotal aspect of progress. Prioritise sleep, aiming for 7-9 hours per night, to aid in muscle repair and overall rejuvenation. Incorporate active recovery days into your routine, allowing your body to rest while still moving gently.

Injury Minimisation: Listen to Your Body

Listen keenly to your body’s signals. Pain, discomfort, or persistent fatigue should not be ignored. If something feels off, it’s better to address it early than to push through and risk injury. Regular stretching, foam rolling, and mobility exercises can aid in injury prevention by improving flexibility and reducing muscle tightness.

Cross-Training & Variety

Incorporating cross-training and variety in your workouts can be beneficial. Supplementing triathlon-specific training with activities like yoga, pilates, strength training, or low-impact exercises helps improve overall fitness, prevents overuse injuries, and keeps motivation high. Davey Black Sports Performance centre offers all of these options led by highly experienced strength, yoga and pilates coaches.

Seek Professional Guidance

Consider working with a qualified coach who can tailor a training plan to your specific needs, monitor your progress, and make necessary adjustments. A coach can provide invaluable guidance in optimizing training volume while minimizing the risk of injury.


Elevating training volume during the holiday season can be an exciting opportunity for triathletes to push their boundaries and progress toward their goals. However, this must be approached with caution, focusing on gradual progression, adequate nutrition, prioritised recovery, injury minimisation, and seeking professional guidance. By embracing a well-structured plan and listening to your body, you can make the most of this period, setting the stage for a successful triathlon season ahead.

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