Category: Coach’s Corner

Ironman Cork

26th May, Ironman Cork, Ireland bike course recon

Padraig Purcell from Davey Black Triathlon coaching in Ireland is taking an Ironman Cork bike course recon on Sunday 26th May. Ironman have made a few changes to the bike route driven by the need to reduce traffic on sections of route. This final draft of the course is much faster and safer overall, and […]

Performance Coach


Coach’s Corner: The Life of a Coach by Performance Coach STEVE DAVIS Performance Coach Steve answers viewers questions about training, racing, nutrition and anything else they want to ask… Click here: Davey Black You Tube Channel

Training With Performance Coach

Coach’s Corner

COACH’S CORNER Training & Jet Lag by Performance Coach STEVE DAVIS Performance Coach Steve answers viewers questions about training, racing, nutrition and anything else they want to ask…